Ruth EveredSports & Remedial Massage in Windsor and Eton, Berkshire

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Sports, Remedial, Pregnancy & Post Natal Massage in Windsor and Eton, Berkshire

I have been practicing sports and remedial massage in Windsor and Eton since 2002

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I have been practicing sports and remedial massage in Windsor since 2002 and work very closely with runners, triathletes, netball players and hockey players. I also have a regular client base with local polo players. I am a keen cyclist, swimmer and gym user and can relate to the frustration of niggles and injuries which can impede our performance. Sports and remedial massage is an effective way to prevent muscle tension, strains and sprains.

My interest in the health and welfare of pregnant women has led me to gain a WellMother© qualification in Pregnancy and Post-natal Massage. Working with pregnant women is a great joy and being allowed to help them cope with the inevitable physical and emotional changes which occur during pregnancy is a privilege.

I am fully qualified and insured in Massage (ITEC dip), Sports Massage (ITEC dip), Massage for Pregnancy and Labour (Wellmother© APNT dip). I work within the Code of Ethics laid down by Association of Physical and Natural Therapists, and the Complementary Therapists Association. I am registered with the Complementary and Natural Health Council which is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care. Your privacy and confidentiality is guaranteed.

My location is Thames Valley Athletics Centre. Mobile visits are available in the Windsor, Eton, Datchet, Slough, Maidenhead, Ascot and Bracknell area for ladies only.

​Sports and Remedial Massage​

If you have sustained an injury or are simply an athlete looking to reach your optimum performance level, then sports massage therapy can help you to achieve your goal.

Sports massage therapy is an effective method of reducing tension in the muscles, mobilizing joints, stimulating circulation, promoting healing, and encouraging the removal of waste products, such as lactic acid, from the body. Keeping your muscles in peak condition can significantly reduce your risk of injury.

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Pregnancy/Post Natal Massage​

​Pregnancy is a time of great joy but for some women it can be a difficult and emotional journey. During pregnancy hormonal changes cause ligaments and joints to soften leading to additional strain on the skeletal system. This often causes aches and pains most commonly in the hips, buttocks and lower back.

The increasing weight of the baby can pull on the lumbar spine causing postural imbalances. These changes can be difficult to prepare for, but massage during pregnancy can help to reduce these discomforts, and promote relaxation and a sense of well being.

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For more information on sports, remedial and pregnancy massage in the Maidenhead, Windsor, Eton, Datchet, Slough, Ascot and Bracknell area, call Ruth Evered Sports Massage today on 07761 811 117 to discuss your specific needs and requirements.

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